Territory and socialization of women in Mennonite colonies.

Elements to dialogue with the novel "Ellas hablan" by Miriam Toews.





sexual violence, Mennonite women, ethnic Mennonites, Mennonite colonies


The present article seeks to generate a dialogue between the ethnography that I carried out in 2014-2015 of the Manitoba Colony in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua and the book Women Talking by Miriam Toews in order to problematize and give context to the reading that future readers of the book can do, and in turn, deconstruct the stereotypes that are held about Mennonites in the world. To do this, I offer the reader the element of the territory and its different levels as the key category of my analysis, and as a way of situating the gender violence experienced in the Mennonite colonies. A second category of analysis subject to the territory is that of socialization for life and work among Mennonites, from which the conditions of permanence of women in a violent and patriarchal environment such as that of the colonies are constructed in part. But my reading is just a feminist babbling more than an attempt to offer, from anthropological observation, elements from which to make the dialogue more complex and, above all, empathize with the thousands of Mennonite women who are mistreated and violated every day, and do not leave, even if they wanted to.


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Author Biography

  • Ruhama Abigail Pedroza García, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS)

    Doctora en Antropología Social por el CIESAS-DF. Publicaciones recientes: "¨Señora, ¿qué se tomó? Experiencia personal sobre violencia obstétrica y aborto espontáneo” en Revista Andanzas Año 4, No. 8, enero 2024, Ibero, México. “Los mismos, pero diferentes. Menonitas en Chihuahua”, en Revista Mexicana de Sociología, Vol. 82,Num. 2, 2020, IIS-UNAM, México. “Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua: ¿la ciudad de las Tres Culturas? Ejemplo de unacomunidad imaginada en el norte de México”, Nueva Antropología, vol. 31, No. 89, México, Jul/Dic. 2018. Investigadora independiente.


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Pedroza, R. (2018). Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, ¿la ciudad de las tres culturas? Ejemplo de una comunidad imaginada en el norte de México. Nueva Antropología, 31(89), 77-93.

Pedroza, R. (2020). Los mismos pero diferentes: Menonitas en Chihuahua. Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 82(2), 343-370.

Pedroza, R., et al. (2022). Entre la sangre y la fe. El rostro étnico de los menonitas en México. En Una herencia del anabautismo en México, entre menonitas étnicos y conversos (pp. 45-70). CUPSA, Comunidad Teológica de México, CCM, CIEAMM, CETELA.

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Toews, M. (2020).Ellas hablan. México: Editorial Sexto Piso.



How to Cite

Territory and socialization of women in Mennonite colonies.: Elements to dialogue with the novel "Ellas hablan" by Miriam Toews. (2024). Revista Protesta Y Carisma, 4(7). https://doi.org/10.61303/24525308.v4i7.95

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