The Churches of the Free Brothers in Santa Fe (Argentina) in its first 100 years (1893-1993)

Glances at the women’s role




Free Brothers, woman, Theology, History, Santa Fe


This work accounts for the journey made by the Free Brothers during the first centenary of its establishment in Santa Fe city, Argentina, the expansion through the different neighbourhoods and the sociocultural contributions to the community. Our approach pays special attention to the role of women, analyzing the theological-philosophical assumptions of the founders of the denomination, and its resonance in our time and context. We intend to bear witness to the pious and fruitful roles of the Free Sisters, made invisible in the few existing chronicles, and to report on the steps currently taken in favour of the ministry of women.


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Author Biography

  • Silvia Rodríguez de Chiappero, Instituto Bíblico Santa Fe – Centro

    Bachiller Teológico-Pastoral (IBSC,2016), Bachiller Superior en Ministerio (SITB, 2019), Bachiller Superior en Teología (FIET, 2023). Secretaria académica y docente del Instituto Bíblico Santa Fe Centro. Colabora con la Revista QF de la Asociación de Mujeres Bautistas.


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How to Cite

The Churches of the Free Brothers in Santa Fe (Argentina) in its first 100 years (1893-1993): Glances at the women’s role. (2024). Revista Protesta Y Carisma, 4(7).

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