Committed and Radical Hermeneutics

Hugo Zorrilla's contribution to the Hermeneutics of Liberation




Hermeneutics, Release, Liberating perspective, Protestantism, Mennonite-Anabaptist, Hugo Zorrilla


The emergence of Liberation Theology (LT) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is recognized within the context of the Catholic Church, however, today the contribution of theologians and biblical scholars from the Protestant tradition who They joined the approaches that emerged within it from different perspectives and thus recognized its ecumenical character. On the other hand, the TL contributed not only to the construction of a transformative discourse in Theology and society, but also demanded different approaches to the biblical text that responded to said transformation and to that of a renewed Christian praxis. Hand in hand with theological production, different efforts arose from a liberationist perspective reading of the Bible rooted in the dynamics of the base ecclesial communities and efforts, of a more academic nature, that reflected an approach to the text that was more connected to our realities. and in discussion with the exegetical assumptions of the most North Atlantic tradition. Within this contribution and from the Protestant-Anabaptist tradition we have that of Hugo Zorrilla, Colombian and biblical scholar, and whose contribution we can describe as a committed hermeneutics, “obedient” in his own words, and radical that adds to the other proposals that emerged in the Latin American context.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Caicedo Narváez, Fundación Universitaria Bautista

    Ingeniero Químico (U. del Valle, Colombia), Licenciado en Ciencias Bíblicas (Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana, Costa Rica); Maestría en Teología (Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, Colombia); Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (U. Nacional de Costa Rica). Actualmente es Director de la Maestría en Teología y docente en la Fundación Universitaria Bautista, Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Committed and Radical Hermeneutics: Hugo Zorrilla’s contribution to the Hermeneutics of Liberation. (2024). Revista Protesta Y Carisma, 4(7).

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