About the Journal


Revista Protesta & Carisma seeks to strengthen the publication and dissemination of scientific research in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities dedicated to the study of Protestant and charismatic groups (Protestants, Pentecostals, Catholics, etc.) in the region. Our main objective is to create a scientific space for reflection, discussion, dialogue and analysis on these religious movements who are important and visible religious minorities in public spaces but still invisible in academic spaces. Although it is a journal that will prioritize research on the dynamics of Protestantism and Pentecostalism in Latin America, it will also accept papers from other latitudes. Original and unpublished articles resulting from empirical and/or theoretical research from the social sciences (sociology, history, anthropology, geography, political science, social work, education, law, communication, psychology, pedagogy) and the humanities (musicology, philosophy, literature, theology, arts, architecture, etc.) will be accepted.

PEER EVALUATION PROCESS The articles submitted must meet the basic publication standard requirements (APA style), which are mandatory at the moment of submission. Failure to meet these standards will prevent the articles from being sent for evaluation and they will be returned to the authors.

  1. The Editorial team and journal management will determine the admissibility of an article, that is, whether it meets the general requirements set out in the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS of the journal, and the article may be rejected without being sent to external evaluators if it is determined that the text does not align with the standards or the journal’s editorial goals and approach.
  2. Articles received shall be sent to two anonymous evaluators who are external to our university and who specialize in the subject matter, which is known as a double blind process. The author’s name will not be disclosed to the evaluators. The evaluators may a) accept the article as is, b) accept it subject to modifications or c) reject it. If the evaluators do not reach a unanimous decision (as is or subject to modifications) or reject it, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to reject it or send it to a third evaluator based on the evaluations.
  3. The comments and suggestions offered by the evaluators shall be sent to the author through an editor assigned to the piece so that he or she can proceed to make corrections and changes to the text. The text’s publication shall be subject to said changes being made. The author shall have two weeks to make the changes from the date the evaluations are submitted (or longer if the editor determines that this is warranted). Once the correction process is complete, the author must submit the final version to the editor for publication. The author will then be notified that the text has passed the evaluation process and is pending publication.
  4. Once the corrections are made to the original text, the journal reserves the right to make minor changes to the manuscript prior to publication, which will in no case change the contents or central ideas of the text. These changes address formal aspects such as spelling errors, clarification of the language or any other aspects related to criteria of style and/or design.

The author will be informed whether the article is accepted or rejected within six months (including the edition for publication if accepted) of the date of receipt of the same.


Revista Protesta & Carisma is a journal of the Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile) in conjunction with Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CEIL CONICET (Argentina) and is published biannually as a continuous publication.


The journal Protesta y Carisma is an immediate open access journal, which means that all content is available free of charge and without charge to the user or his institution. The journal Protesta y Carisma publishes works under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License 4.0. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or the author, once they acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal, the work is not used for commercial purposes, and if the work is remixed, transformed, or built upon the material, one must distribute the contributions under the same license as the original


The journal Protesta y Carisma allows self-archiving of accepted and published manuscripts. Authors retain copyright ownership and may archive pre-published or post-published versions or publisher's pdf versions in personal or institutional repositories or libraries at any time without the express permission of the journal or publisher.

Authors of articles published in the journal Protesta y Carisma have the right to deposit accepted or published versions of manuscripts in institutional repositories. Authors may make them publicly and immediately available upon citation as the site where they were originally published.

The journal Protesta y Carisma participates in the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PN) digital preservation that allows for long-term digital preservation should the journal go offline. The LOCKSS programme allows for decentralised and distributed preservation of long-term access to manuscripts. It also allows for the digital preservation of authentic versions of manuscripts.

The journal is also archived in the repository of the Universidad Arturo Prat UNAP Chile: https://www.unap.cl/prontus_unap/site/edic/base/port/revista_protesta_y_carisma.html


For Authors

The authors of manuscripts submitted to Revista Protesta & Carisma certify that the article is their own work and is an original work that has not been submitted to nor is under review by other media or partially or fully published in journals, newspapers or books. Given the importance of the originality of the works submitted, in addition to the article, authors will have to send the Author Agreement (which can be downloaded from this site), which specifies the authorship, copyright and presence (or absence) of conflicts of interest along with a statement regarding the text’s originality. Once the document is reviewed and the editorial board accepts the article, it will be submitted for evaluation. If these terms are not met, the article shall be rejected with no right to appeal at any stage in the evaluation process.

The authors declare that the material submitted for publication is free of copyright claims and that they are thus responsible for any claim related to intellectual property rights.

Once the article is selected for publication, the authors agree to fully cede to the entity responsible for Revista Protesta & Carisma the rights to reproduction, edition, distribution and communication in Chile and abroad in print and electronic media with the recognition of the corresponding authors’ rights.

For Reviewers

The “double blind” arbitration system excludes individuals affiliated with institutions with which the author(s) of a specific article is/are affiliated.

The reviewers agree to conduct a critical review of the article, examining both the scientific content and the form and structure, and ensuring the quality of each.

The reviewers agree to meet the review deadlines in order to avoid delaying the normal development of the journal’s publication.

Reviewers who agree to review a text agree that they are familiar with the topic and have no conflicts of interest.

The reviewers agree to submit a critical assessment report to the editors in accordance with the journal’s rules and to alert the editors if the text or parts of it have been published or are being edited or reviewed for another publication.

For Editors

The editors and the Editorial Board agree to guarantee a confidential and responsible evaluation process so that this anonymous process preserves the academic and intellectual integrity of all of the activities (review, edition, publication).

The editors agree to select the most qualified specialists as reviewers to issue a critical commentary on the article. Two reviewers will be selected for each manuscript. If the reviewers do not agree on whether or not to publish it, the text will be sent to a third reviewer who will make the final decision.

The editors will keep a systematic record of the evaluation process through Excel files that list the contact information of each reviewer. Revista Protesta & Carisma  follows the ethical rules of COPE (COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS).  


Plagiarism will be understood as the use of another’s words without citing the original sources, thus infringing copyrights.

If plagiarism is detected in any of the articles received, our journal will proceed as follows.

  • Plagiarism identified PRIOR to publication of an article: The article will be rejected immediately and the author or authors and institution affiliated with it will be notified.

  • Plagiarism identified AFTER publication: In this case, the article shall be eliminated from the volume and in addition to notifying the author or authors, a notification will be issued on the journal website.

Self-plagiarism shall be understood as the reuse of the author’s own previously published material in the submitted text without referencing the prior work or exceeding the maximum amount of previously published material allowed by our journal, which prevents the scientific originality of the text. As such:

  • If self-plagiarism is detected, the author will be notified of the immediate rejection of the article.

  • If references to the author’s own texts exceed 20% of the total references of the article, the article will be rejected.

Revista Protesta & Carisma uses URKUND (urkund.com) and Docode (DOCODE.CL) software to identify plagiarism in proposed articles. Other free license programs (such as duplichecker and/or plagium) also may be used.


The text below is the model document that the author must submit with the article. It specifies his or her authorship of the text, author’s license and the presence or absence of conflicts of interest.


Article Title: _________________


Recognition of authorship.Under the terms of this agreement, the author or authors hereby certify that the article submitted for publication inRevista Protesta & Carisma is a text that they have written, is an original work and has not been submitted to and is not being submitted to other media outlets (journals, newspapers and/or book chapters).

Author’s License. The author or authors state that the material submitted is free of copyright and that they are thus responsible for any complaint related to intellectual property rights. They further state that if the article is selected for publication in Revista Protesta & Carisma, they will fully cede rights to reproduction, edition, distribution and communication within Chile and abroad in print and electronic media as long as the corresponding copyrights are recognized.

Absence of conflict of interest. Revista Protesta & Carisma favors a neutral, transparent attitude with distance for the authors that wish to publish in it in order to avoid taking part in any academic situation that may involve a conflict of interest. At the same time, the editorial policy shall have control over the institutional origin of the articles and the reviewers. It therefore promotes a double blind evaluation without the author or reviewers knowing each other’s identity during the evaluation process. In regard to making transparent the evaluation procedure, we ask that the following form be submitted:

Do you have personal or other interests that would imply a conflict of interest?


YES __


NO __

If so, please specify:


  • Financial conflict of interest that may be significant in regard to the authorship of the article.
  • Conflict of interest that is not financial that may be significant in regard to the authorship of the article.
  • Ethical conflict of interest that may be significant in regard to the authorship of the article.

And in each case, Activity / Institution / Date

Any possible conflicts of interest not listed in the previous sections (specify): 

Articles with more than one author. If the article submitted has more than one author, the main author must fill in the authorization table below and assume responsibility for the work and this agreement. >I, (main author name), certify that I have consulted all of the authors of this work, obtaining their authorization in order to sign this agreement.

Author Name/Signature/Date/City, Country 


The researchers (list names), authors of the manuscript (“title”) submitted to Revista Protesta & Carisma of the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, dated (dd/mm/yyyy), hereby state that this article is an original and unedited work and that it has not been submitted to any other journal for publication.

Revista Protesta & Carisma does not charge fees for its authors for the submission, review and/or publication of articles.